About the Friendly hive
Friendly.biz is a business directory that lists businesses and products from various industries and categories. Users come to Friendly when searching for service providers in their area and rely on us to provide them with the most accurate information, relevant results & exceptional customer service. We welcome you to join the hive by adding your business to Friendly.biz or claiming your business listing. Go ahead and start enjoying new friendly customers every day.
Why should you claim your business on Friendly.biz?
Friendly collects public business information from across the web and presents it to users in a clear, convenient, and friendly way. In order to keep the information on your business page accurate and up-to-date, please add your business listing or claim it if it's already listed on Friendly. We're looking forward to seeing your business among our Friendly community.
How to manage the information on your page?
Once you added or claimed your business listing on Friendly.biz you will get access to your personal business dashboard where you can update your business information, add pictures of your best projects and tell customers about your services and solutions along with business working hours, amenities, and promotions. An accurately modified business listing will improve your customer engagement and visibility bringing more new business and positive ratings.
Want to increase your business exposure even more?
By claiming your business listing you are automatically placed above unclaimed listings, Claimed listings get significantly more exposure and customer interactions. Once you have taken ownership, you will gain access to the business dashboard where you can choose from our marketing plans and advertise your business on Friendly and beyond.